
EscrowTech’s data archiving strategy ensures legal compliance, IP protection, and historical data access. Fortune 500 companies trust it for secure, long-term storage. Their process involves free verification, dual off-site storage in secure facilities, and options for physical or online data submission, ensuring accessibility during emergencies. 

Preparation is often the best legal defense. The data archiving strategy at EscrowTech provides IP and patent holders find peace of mind in a litigious world. We can help you create a neutral, dated, legally defensible record of your data, documents, or other information. Whether or not you are called to settle a dispute about your data, you will feel more secure in the knowledge that your information is safe and accessible. 

In this blog, we’ll dig into our data archiving strategy so you can determine if it’s the right service for you. Continue reading to learn why the top Fortune 500 companies trust EscrowTech with their data and other sensitive records.  

Interior of a data archive

What Is Data Archiving?

Data archiving is also known as long-term data storage. In most cases, the data we archive is inactive. It may include records, or other documentation that is not mission critical for the day-to-day operations of your business or organization. Still, such data may be necessary in the future, and many companies seek to store or achieve the information for later access. 

Reasons why you may wish to archive your data include: 

  • To remain in legal or regulatory compliance 
  • To craft a neutral, dated record for possible future litigation 
  • To establish and protect data associated with IP 
  • To store data for historical reference purposes 
  • To create a record for future business analysis 

When you choose data archive solutions, the goal is long-term storage and security. It will free up space in your active storage systems so you can utilize it for data you need regularly. This is different from storing active data for disaster recovery purposes. However, in the event of a disaster, your historical and inactive data will remain secure.  

This service is also ideal for those planning to invest or loan money to a company. You may wish to ensure the company really owns the IP it claims to have.  

If the founders or relevant employees leave the company, you will have the documentation to protect the embodiments of the intellectual property covered by the contracts you are relying on. You will be able to access relevant data if and when it is needed. This ultimately protects your investment. 

These services fall under our IP collateral and investment protection services.  

Our Data Archiving Strategy

When you inquire about our data archiving services, we’ll begin the process with a conversation. First, we’ll discuss the suitability of your data for archiving. Certain criteria make archiving the right choice for certain data and documents.  

EscrowTech will complete a standard verification on all of your materials free of charge. We can complete a detailed technical verification on certain materials for an additional fee. We will not recommend a data archival strategy for documents that require frequent access or that fall into certain legal or regulatory categories.  

If we determine that archiving is the correct next step for your data, you’ll enter into a Master Agreement with EscrowTech. From there, we’ll implement the following data archiving strategy. 

Our Data Transfer Process

The first step is to submit your deposit materials for storage. Informatica defines data transfer as “the secure exchange of large files between systems or organizations.”  

Essentially, this creates a neutral, dated time trail, verifying the existence materials on a certain date. This can help you build a strong legal defense in the event that someone contests your IP, copyright, patent, or trade secrets.  

We provide two options for those ready to make a data deposit. First, you may submit your materials on physical media. This might include CDs, DVDs, tapes, or hard drives. You will need to deliver physical media directly to our facilities. 

Second, and more common, you may submit your data via our online account management system. It is called RealTime Escrow, and is a secure, vetted platform for deposits. It’s an easy and intuitive platform that you won’t find anywhere else.  

Our Storage Facilities

Regardless of your transfer method, we store all data on physical media. We will store your data in duplicate at two separate off-site, high-security storage facilities. One set of materials will always be stored in an electronically monitored vault at our Technology Law Center. The other will remain in a dedicated space deep beneath Utah’s Rocky Mountains. 

Our custom-built archival storage facilities: 

  • Are fireproof and natural disaster proof 
  • Benefit from 24-hour armed protection 
  • Maintain independent power sources 
  • Meet all federal standards for archival storage 

Storage at both facilities is included in your agreement at no additional charge. In the event of an emergency, your data will be available for immediate access.

Data Accessibility

As mentioned, in an emergency scenario, your archived data will always be accessible. If you require access to your data, you will be subject to our standard release fees. We guarantee that the release fees you agree to upon signing your Master Agreement will not increase within the first three years.  

Likewise, you can always arrange an inspection to personally ensure the integrity and security of your data.  

Ready to take the next step? Head to our IP protection page to learn more about creating an audit trail for your critical data.